Ballet de la Danse Physique Contemporaine
The contemporary physical dance ballet was created in 2015 by the choreographer and author David LLARI.
Contemporary physical dance is a language that relies on the intention behind the movement. The danced motion, imbued with authenticity, breaks free from all existing forms of dance. The dancer, in their full selfhood, can then serve the author’s pieces.
Resulting from choreography driven by anticipation and research, the choreographies of BDPC offer a unique perspective on the world and society. Beyond dance-specific stages, BDPC performs in locations such as public spaces, monuments, museums, or urban areas less accustomed to cultural events. BDPC has recruited its dancers internationally, from countries including France, England, Germany, and Italy. The company has its composers, a team of audiovisual technicians, administrative staff, and a network of occasional collaborators from various artistic disciplines.