Florisse Adjanohoun
Florisse Adjanohoun is an actress, storyteller, director and cultural entrepreneur from Benin. She began acting as an amateur in 1984, and ten years later, with four other actors, founded Théâtre Wassangari, dedicated to theatrical storytelling. In 2000, she founded her own company, Parole en scène, dedicated to contemporary creation and committed theater.
Over the course of her thirty-year career, which has taken her to African, European and American theatres, Florisse Adjanohoun has collaborated with numerous directors: Odile Sankara, Tola Koukoui, René Loyon, Jean-Michel Coulon, Philippe Adrien, Rodrigue Norman, Eric Mapuya, Vangdar Dorsuma, Jean Lambert-wild…. She has appeared in numerous films and TV series (Le Champ des oubliés, by Roger Gbekou, L’Orage africain, by Sylvestre Amoussou, Le Voyage des oubliés, by Senami Kpètèhogbé…) and won several awards: Prix Canal + 2012 for best actress in Le Prix à payer, by Maxime Tchincoun; Prix Canal + 2014 for best female performer in Les Avalés du grand bleu, by the same director.
Her play Atakoun (1998) won the 1999 Benin Golden Awards for Best Performance, and in the same year received the Best Text Award at the Journées théâtrales de Carthage (JTC). At the 22nd edition of this Tunisian event dedicated to the fourth art, in November 2021, she received a tribute for her entire theatrical and artistic career.
Source Biography of Florisse Adjanohoun.