All videos Collections Maison de la danse Play the playlist 689 publications Show previous publications 2:52 Verbum Bill T. Jones 2:35 There were… Bill T. Jones 2:57 Black Suzanne Bill T. Jones 2:55 Power / Full Bill T. Jones 3:00 Allegria Kader Attou 2:55 Foi Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui 2:56 Zero Degrees Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui , Akram Khan 2:54 Appalachian medley Livia Vanaver 3:03 Vive le Québec Livia Vanaver 2:49 Hommage à Hoagy Carmichael Brenda Bufalina 2:59 Welcome Patrice Thibaud Thematics 19:16 [1930-1960]: Neoclassicism in Europe and the United States, entirely in tune with the times Céline Roux 2:58 Sahasam Pryadarsini Govind , Élisabeth Petit 8:58 Switzerland moves Karin Hermes 8:57 Switzerland moves Karin Hermes 3:02 Optraken Mathieu Bleton , Mosi Espinoza , Jonas Julliand , Karim Messaoudi , Cyril Pernot 2:44 The spectator’s moment (2019): Dominique Brun Dominique Brun 2:11 The spectator’s moment (2020): Ballet de l’Opéra National du Rhin Fabien Plasson 2:27 The Spectator’s moment (2020): Mathurin Bolze Mathurin Bolze 2:21 The spectator’s moment (2021): David Coria David Coria 2:18 The spectator’s moment (2019): (la)Horde Fabien Plasson 2:25 The spectator’s moment (2022): Amala Dianor Amala Dianor 3:04 The spectator’s moment (2022): Oona Doherty Oona Doherty 2:19 The spectator’s moment (2019): La Veronal Marcos Morau 2:47 The spectator’s moment (2022): Rachid Ouramdane Rachid Ouramdane 2:13 The Spectator’s moment (2019): Ballet Jazz Montréal Andonis Foniadakis , Annabelle Lopez Ochoa , Ihsan Rustem 2:33 The spectator’s moment (2019): François Chaignaud François Chaignaud 3:00 Blue Lady Carolyn Carlson 2:56 Corps est Graphique Mourad Merzouki 2:54 Vamos al tiroteo Rafaela Carrasco 3:07 Peer Gynt Johan Inger 2:56 Don Quixote José Carlos Martínez 3:01 Cellule Nach 2:57 Cão Sem Plumas Deborah Colker 3:58 Bienvenue Eugénie Rebetez 52:17 Babel 8.3 – La mosaïque des cultures Dominique Hervieu 36 publications on 689 Show more