All videos Collections Maison de la danse Play the playlist 689 publications Show previous publications 2:01 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Russell Maliphant Russell Maliphant 2:02 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Chicos Mambo Philippe Lafeuille 2:31 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Système Castafiore Karl Biscuit , Marcia Barcellos 2:35 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Barak Marshall Barak Marshall 2:17 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Andrés Marín Andrés Marin 2:12 The Spectator’s moment (2018): Johan Inger Johan Inger 3:06 The Spectator’s moment (2022): Angelin Preljocaj Angelin Preljocaj 2:32 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Ushio Amagatsu Ushio Amagatsu 2:19 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Michel Kelemenis Michel Kelemenis 2:34 Pixel Mourad Merzouki 2:07 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Patricia Apergi Patricia Apergi 3:12 Têtes d’Affiche Bouba Landrille Tchouda 3:07 Skin Bouba Landrille Tchouda 3:02 Le dernier survivant de la caravane Bouba Landrille Tchouda 2:58 Un casse-noisette Bouba Landrille Tchouda 3:09 Meia lua Bouba Landrille Tchouda 3:00 D.opa! [Dopamines of post-Athenians] Patricia Apergi 3:00 Era Povera Patricia Apergi 3:00 TANZheimer Patricia Apergi 2:51 The Spectator’s moment (2020): Jérôme Bel Jérôme Bel 2:47 The Spectator’s moment (2022): Akram Khan Akram Khan 2:14 The Spectator’s moment (2016): Israel Galván Israel Galván 2:57 The seasons Édouard Lock 2:55 Malandragem Bouba Landrille Tchouda 4:00 Tschägg Lucie Eidenbenz 2:46 Hallo Martin Zimmermann 2:59 Rouge Mickaël Le Mer 3:46 So Schnell Dominique Bagouet 2:55 Removing Noé Soulier 2:59 Hippopotomonstro – sesquippedaliophobie* Fabien Plasson 2:22 Singspiele Maguy Marin 2:59 P=mg Jann Gallois 2:44 Vader Gabriela Carrizo , Frank Chartier 2:57 Hu(r)mano Marco Da Silva Ferreira 2:20 Haute Résilience Samuel Lefeuvre 2:43 La Belle au bois dormant Béatrice Massin 36 publications on 689 Show more