All videos Collections CNDC – Angers Play the playlist 75 publications Show previous publications 1:18:58 Heroes Emmanuelle Huynh 23:32 Múa Emmanuelle Huynh 30:33 Leïla “the night” Abou Lagraa 21:29 Suddenly insolence Claude Brumachon 4:14 Solo of Virginie Hang-Law for the “Cartes blanches” 1999 CNDC – Angers 5:09 Report about the students’ participation of the “Festival Premiers Plans d’Angers” CNDC – Angers 8:14 Cangrero Negro CNDC – Angers 9:58 Our ephemeral smiles CNDC – Angers 6:54 Duo of CNDC’s students for the “Cartes blanches” 1999 Carmen Werner 29:31 Post François Raffinot 23:56 Mens also move walls : CNDC’s students in the “Accroche-cœurs 2001” Carmen Werner 54:41 Words of dancers Dominique Dupuy , Régis Obadia , Abou Lagraa , Françoise Adret Masterclass 24:16 Workshop of Matthew Hawkins for the students of the CNDC (1998) CNDC – Angers 7:49 Trio of students in the “Festival Premiers Plans 1996” Richard Nadal 5:03 Duo of students in the “Festival Premiers Plans 1996” (Angers) Richard Nadal 11:06 To Hang CNDC – Angers 10:43 Solo of Jasmin Londono CNDC – Angers 2:52 Solo of Sarah Pellerin CNDC – Angers 12:24 The Telegram Aïcha M’Barek 13:09 The Art of communication CNDC – Angers 9:26 Zenzana (the cell) Hafiz Dhaou 11:26 Passages CNDC – Angers 8:49 L’Atomurbin CNDC – Angers 1:30:03 Fragments Joëlle Bouvier , Régis Obadia 31:09 Klimsbeu Patrick Le Doaré 16:18 Wunsch José Biondi 18:11 Thesis in Bodinier Raffaella Giordano 16:42 A trail of Wildfire Christine Marneffe 13:33 Double room CNDC – Angers 37:54 The Irresponsibility of Apollo Joëlle Bouvier , Régis Obadia 1:02:20 Furies Joëlle Bouvier 47:49 Hurry Up ! Joëlle Bouvier 1:33:50 L’Effraction du silence Joëlle Bouvier , Régis Obadia 26:02 The small pieces of Berlin [by the CNDC’s students] Dominique Bagouet 57:58 Soli 1993 CNDC – Angers 20:37 Doubt and Certitude Raffaella Giordano 36 publications on 75 Show more