All videos Collections Biennale de la danse Play the playlist 100 publications Show previous publications 25:15 Le breaking, un art pour tous Bruce Chiefare 2:58 ART.13 Phia Ménard 3:00 S62°58 W60°39 Gabriela Carrizo , Frank Chartier 11:20 ART.13 [Reportage] Phia Ménard 4:55 Radio Vinci Park Reloaded François Chaignaud 3:00 Grand Jeté Silvia Gribaudi 3:00 Les jolies choses Catherine Gaudet 1:57:29 The continuum : Beyond the Killing Fields Ong Keng Sen 3:00 The Continuum : Beyond the Killing Fields Ong Keng Sen 3:00 Vanguardia jonda Andrés Marin 4:31 Primo toccare Matteo Levaggi 3:00 Péplum Nasser Martin-Gousset 3:00 Ziriguidum et Batalha urbana Sonia Destri 3:00 A fuego lento Catherine Berbessou 3:00 Piume Giorgo Rossi 2:51 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Yuval Pick – “Vocabulary of Need” | Interview Yuval Pick 1:37 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Noé Soulier – “Removing Reset” | Interview Noé Soulier 2:02 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Christophe Haleb – “Entropic Now” | Interview Christophe Haleb 2:48 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Christophe Haleb – “Entropic Now” | Behind the Scenes Christophe Haleb 1:44 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Qudus Onikeku – “RE:Incarnation” | Rehearsals of the Défilé Final Qudus Onikeku 1:41 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Irvin Anneix – “Cher futur moi” | Interview Irvin Anneix 58 [Biennale de la danse 2021] Rehearsals of “Removing Reset” at the CNSMD of Lyon with Noé Soulier Noé Soulier 51 [Biennale de la danse 2021] HKC Company at the Fagor Factories Amala Dianor , Anne Rehbinder , Antoine Colnot 23:37 The Fagor Experience of the Biennale de la danse 2021 Bokeh Production 2:48 Liturgies Alwin Nikolaïs 2:53 La Maison de Bernarda Mats Ek 2:40 Roméo et Juliette Birgit Cullberg 16:30 Rites Jacqueline Robinson 3:00 Improvisations. Solo. Jerome Andrews 2:58 Lykion Ton Hellinidon Lefteris Drandakis 3:00 Stâbetanz – Oskar Schlemmer’s Bauhaus Dances Oskar Schlemmer , Debra McCall 3:00 Baukastenspiel – Oskar Schlemmer’s Bauhaus Dances Oskar Schlemmer , Debra McCall 2:56 Automnales Christine Gerard 2:36 Almanach Bruitax Karl Biscuit , Marcia Barcellos 3:00 Silent Collisions Frédéric Flamand 3:00 Prudence ou les émotions subtiles Josette Baïz 36 publications on 100 Show more