Spectacles Collections Chaillot-Théâtre National de la Danse Play the playlist 14 publications Show previous publications 37:39 The Rite of Spring Jean-Claude Gallotta 32:08 I’m going to toss my arms, if you catch them they’re yours Trisha Brown 14:26 Opal Loop Trisha Brown Filmed performances 4:57 Watermotor Trisha Brown 1:19:51 Mirror and Music Saburo Teshigawara 58:31 La jeune fille et la mort Thomas Lebrun 1:14:43 El Djoudour, the roots Abou Lagraa Filmed performances 1:13:55 Deca Dance Ohad Naharin 52:31 O Senseï – Stance II Catherine Diverrès 1:19:33 La Familia de los Reyes Chaillot-Théâtre National de la Danse 1:20:52 Danzaora Rocío Molina 32:09 Rencontres : Carolyn Carlson & Eva Yerbabuena Eva Yerbabuena , Carolyn Carlson 1:27:28 Inanna Carolyn Carlson 1:18:40 Bosque Ardora Rocío Molina 14 publications on 14 Show more