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Sacre #2 [transmission 2020]
An extract remodelled by the group Format, coordination by Sophie Gérard, as part of the “Danse en amateur et repertoire” programme (2019/2020) (a programme created to assist and promote amateur dancing).
Transmission by Roméo Agid and Clarisse Chanel, performers when it was created, Sophie Jacotot, assistant of the choreographer
Presented on 24 October 2020, Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse (Paris).
The piece when it was created
Sacre #2, after Le Sacre du printemps (The rite of spring) by Vaslav Nijinski (1913)
Firstly produced 13 March 2014 at the Manège – Scène nationale in Reims
Choreography : Dominique Brun
Piece for thirty-seven performers: Julie Salgues (the chosen one) and Caroline Baudouin, Marine Beelen, Anne Bogard, Garance Bréhaudat, Lou Cantor, Clarisse Chanel, Sophie Gérard, Anne Laurent, Anne Lenglet, Marie Mangin, Maud Marquet, Emma Noël, Marie Orts, Laurie Peschier-Pimont, Coline Periano, Maelys Perlot, Maud Pizon, Mathilde Rance, Margot Robinet, Enora Rivière, Marcela Santander-Corvalan, Lina Schlageter (the women) and Roméo Agid, Matthieu Bajolet, Fernando Cabral, Loïc Faquet, Miguel Garcia Llorens, Maxime Guillon-Roi-Sans-Sac, Corentin Le Flohic, Johann Nöhles, Édouard Pelleray, Sylvain Prunenec, Jonathan Schatz, Pierre Tedeschi, Vincent Weber, Alexis Zelis (the men)
Music extracts from the Sacre du printemps by Igor Stravinsky
Original duration: 30 minutes
The group
Format (Ucel, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes)
The group of amateur dancers of the Format programme was created in 2011, and today consists of around twenty people. Each year, the group enters into a creative approach for several months, based on times of transmission and discovery of choreographic culture. In 2016, the group staged the piece ”We can be heroes” by Groupenfonction; since then, an amateur creation supervised by professional artists has been launched each year. In 2019, the group participated in the creation of ”Waving”, a choral dance for 60 participants.
The project
A key work of the modern choreographic world, ”The rite of spring” by Vaslav Nijinski has been reinterpreted countless times in the course of the 20th century. To the rugged arrangements of Stravinsky’s composition, Nijinski has choreographed a group ritual with heady rhythms. Based on the records saved – photographs, sketches, Labanotations – Dominique Brun has conducted research work into the gesture and the creative context of the piece, striving to restore the collective dimension and the pioneering aspect of the 1913 choreography.