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This content contains scenes that may shock an uninformed audience.
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The spectator's moment (2015): Ballet Flamenco de Andalucía
Year of production
Au fil des années, le Ballet Flamenco de Andalucìa a largement contribué à la diffusion et à la reconnaissance de la danse flamenca. Grâce à des spectacles vibrants de passion, la compagnie continue de faire vivre et rayonner ce patrimoine.
The Spectator’s Moment or how to discover an artist, a piece of work or a company in just two minutes. It is a collection of programmes produced by the Maison de la Danse in Lyon and presented by Dominique Hervieu. Each episode is devoted to an artist or a company that is programmed at the Maison de la Danse and offers the public keys or artistic benchmarks for better understanding and appreciating the choreographic art.
© Maison de la Danse de Lyon
Year of production