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Sidi Graoui, dancer/choreographer, created Air Food Company in 2005 and settled in Clermont-Ferrand in January 2006. His cultural curiosity led him to explore relationships between contemporary dance and other artistic expressions, theatre, visual arts, music, etc.

A professional dancer and graduate of La Rochelle National School of Music and Dance, Sidi Graoui went on to study at Montpellier CCN (National Choreographic Centre), under the direction of Mathilde Monnier, and then performed for several renowned companies such as the Aix-en-Provence CCN, under the direction of Angelin Preljocaj and Heddy Maalem’s company, to name but two.

Sidi Graoui’s work focuses on the body awareness pedagogy taught by Jacques Garros (Bordeaux) and from which he has retained everything related to the rapport with his own body structure, through anatomical knowledge of the human body, which is both conscious and sensitive.

His personal research addresses the dancer’s ability to develop powerful energy, by creating “printed circuits”, i.e. sequences of movements which can be repeated and magnified as they are “rooted” in the body. This work calls on the discernment of the dancer’s linking play and requires extreme gestural rigour and precision. Sidi Graoui’s dance reproduces these circuits which have been recorded one after the other in the body. When assembled, they create freed, moving writing.

Source : Site de Bellerive sur Allier

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