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Anne-Marie Reynaud (1945-2009) began dancing at Irène Popard’s school, then with Martha Graham in London, then joined Catherine May Atlani’s Ballets de la Cité in 1973 and the GRTOP (Paris Opera theatrical research group) in 1974, where she performed Carolyn Carlson’s ballets. In 1976, she founded the Four Solaire with Odile Azagury. The Nevers-based company became a National Choreographic Centre in 1989. In 1995, she was in charge of programming for the Paris region’s Île de Danse Festival and, in 1998, she became responsible for pedagogy at the CND (National Centre for Dance) until 2009.

Source : Lise Brunel, Dictionnaire de la danse (dir. de Philippe Le Moal), Larousse, 2008

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