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Histoire d'Argan le Visionnaire
Mettant en scène le fondateur de l’Illustre Théâtre, cette chorégraphie de Claude Brumachon s’adresse à tous, petits et grands, pour une plongée sans cérémonie dans la frivolité, le raffinement et la joie du XVIIème.
Featuring the founder of the Illustre Théâtre, this choreography by Claude Brumachon is intended for all alike, young and old, for an informal immersion into the frivolity, refinement and joy of the 17th century.
Molière handed down to us his works: his words that pass through the centuries and that give keys to those who understand them today. This show is an opening, it leads towards… By returning to the energies of the dancing characters concealed in Molière’s work and by revealing them in an often pertinent halftone, Claude Brumachon hands us the essence of the character. The public is then free to transfer these human characteristics to our own era. Have we really changed so much?
Source : Brumachon-Lamarche
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