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NARCISSE-0 / first performed 2009
Conception Coraline LamaisonDance performance Kate Strong, Julien Andujar
“Narcisses-0” is an introduction to the triptych “Narcisses”. It was specially written for Sujets à Vif at the Avignon Festival, where it was premièred in July 2009. The performer Kate Strong was its epicentre: the presentation of the theme is based on her performing career and her personality. Our aim was to reveal the narcissistic issues affecting the assumption of performance and the actress herself. In a distorted rapport with time, and based on the concept of the desire for eternity, this opens up spaces: possible places in which narcissism might incarnate. Thanks to Pierre Jodlowski’s musical creativity, this rapport with time, with the distortion of passion, with emptiness, becomes palpable, is felt and resonates. It allows the audience to be immersed in a sensory world shared with the actress, while retaining an inquiring prehension. The original text has been enriched by Kate Strong, her life and the improvisations on the narcissistic theme which we have undertaken together. Kate Strong has been one of the greatest performers (dancer/actress) on the contemporary stage for over twenty years. The pieces she has performed, particularly during the 1980s, are among the defining works in the history of modern dance. The text which I have devised pays homage to her career and to those who have marked the way for her, but also throws into relief numerous narcissistic mechanisms which create the performer’s narcissistic anxiety regarding decrepitude, the vanity of a career and finiteness. Here, Kate Strong is playing herself: the edges between performance, fiction and reality are constantly blurred. Moments of emptiness, distance, irony, humour, evocations, extracts from shows; Kate passes from one extreme to the other, clings to the audience, slips, loses her way…
Coraline Lamaison
Source: Maison de la Danse programming
Conception Coraline Lamaison texte Coraline Lamaison, Kate strong interprètes Kate strong, Julien Andujar création musicale Pierre Jodlowski décor Marie szersnovicz lumières Carlos stavisky régie sébastien Bétous
Video direction : Charles Picqproduction : Maison de la Danse
Updating : April 2011