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Adi  Boutrous was born in 1989 in Beer Sheva, Israel. Studied at Matte Asher  School for Performing Arts in Kibbutz Gaaton, followed by the Maslool –  Professional Dance Program at Tel Aviv-Jaffa. He has performed with  Israeli choreographers and made his name as a dancer and choreographer  in Israel before presenting his creations on international stages. His  choreographic works have been performed in Théâtre de la Ville – Paris,  Lyon Biennale de la Danse, Pavillon Noir, Belgrade Dance Festival,  Julidans Festival, among others. Adi received first prize in the Shades  of Dance Festival 2013 for his debut choreography What Really Makes Me  Mad.

In 2018, Théâtre de la Ville – Paris commissioned Adi’s work Submission, followed by One More Thing in 2020. In  tandem with his choreographic and performance work, Boutrous is a Vinyl  collector and a DJ, founder of Candelaria at Nuweiba Records. His musical expertise focuses on the years 1950-1979 and traverses the Middle Eastern, West African, Caribbean and Latin genres.

Source: Adi Boutrous’ website

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