Dovydas Strimaitis
Dovydas Strimaitis is a Lithuanian contemporary dance artist, living and working between France and Belgium. At the age of
12, Strimaitis started training in various dance styles, including line dancing, show dance, and eventually contemporary dance.
In 2015, he enrolled in a dance bachelor’s degree program at Codarts (NL). Strimaitis graduated from university in 2019, after
completing his internship year with Jitti Chompee, Jan Martens, and Marina Mascarell. From 2019 to 2022, Strimaitis was a
dancer at The National Ballet of Marseille, under the direction of La Horde. From 2022, he is a freelance dancer.
Strimaitis started creating his choreographic oeuvre already at Codarts. However, his first professional piece “The Art of
Making” Dances premiered in 2021 at the festival New Baltic Dance in Vilnius.
The solo was followed by “A Duet” that premiered in 2023 in festival ArtDanThé in Théatre de Vanves (Paris).
In 2022, Strimaitis’ work “Hairy” was selected as a finalist in the competition Danse élargie organized by Théâtre de la Ville.
In 2022 and 2023, he created a solo and an extended trio versions of the piece. These versions served as preparations for
the full-evening piece of “Hairy” that premieres in 2024 at the festival New Baltic Dane in Vilnius.
Strimaitis works are marked by rigorous structures, minimalist vocabulary that is nevertheless physically demanding, and
detailed musicality. While often they are not narrative-driven, his works present a contradicting story through the analysis of
historical and contemporary issues in dance, art, and their political reverberations.